Wednesday 25 February 2015

Relationship between Time Cost and Quality

Relationship between Time Cost and Quality 

The Time Cost and Quality is depending one to another. The three major things are have important roles in among that self it. The TCQ (Time Cost Quality) is triangle for any business activates.

  •    If the product manufacturing or service Time is less, then it affect to more cost and less quality.
  •  If the product is more, then it’s leads to more quality and less time.
  •  If the product quality is more, then it’s leads to more cost and time.
  •  If the cost is less, then it’s affect to less quality and time.

Simply the following formula is helps to clarify the situation.

This formula is helps to understanding the concept of relationship between Time Cost and Quality.

Vivek s, Final year in PGDM Global , Acharya Bangalore B-school, Bangalore, India